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NEW BG Video Game Trailer/Scoring Demos Available!

Apart from songwriting and producing, Brad Gordon can also create original music for video games.

From orchestral trailers for Sci Fi and War Games to Menu music and Cut Scenes for Kids Games, Brad's music can cover all styles.

Click HERE to see his demos for video games that include cinematic trailers for ASSASSIN'S CREED III, CALL OF DUTY: Modern Warfare, MASS EFFECT 3 (With AM), FOR HONOR, and the ELDER SCROLLS: The High Isle.

You'll also find a fully scored cut-scene from th

e Sci Fi Video game CHORUS and an original Menu Music Demo for BATTLEFIELD 4.

There are also 2 kids video game trailers for MINECRAFT: SPONGEBOB

and KART RACERS 3, along with a cut scene from GENSHIN IMPACT.




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